
Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure (BP). Globally, it is among the mostprevalent chronic medical conditions, and one the commonest causes for a visit to a doctor andfor taking long-term medications. How do you define Hypertension? Normal blood pressure should be less than 120/80 mmHg. Anything over […]

Chronic Kidney Disease

What is Chronic Kidney Disease? Kidney disease means that your kidneys are not working properly. Chronic kidney disease,usually referred to as CKD, just means that it has been going on for more than 3 months, oftenfor years. Our kidneys (we are born with two) are workhorses. They perform a lot […]

Diabetic Kidney Disease

You probably know someone who has diabetic kidney disease (DKD) or you may even have it. Why? Because diabetic kidney disease is the number one cause of kidney disease around the world. One in three patients with diabetes develop diabetic kidney disease. Genetic factors are important. It is more common among […]
